Restorative Justice

at post-sentencing level supporting and protecting victims

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Restorative Justice Pilot Projects and Training of Practitioners

Practical implementation of RJ-Methods and Procedures in Schleswig-Holstein, Croatia, Thames Valley and Portugal


What will be carried out:

1. Information events with relevant partners - prison, victim support, media - to inform practitioners about RJ in general and the project in particular

2. Implementation of pilot projects. These can consist of the application of the following methods and procedures or a combination of the such:

  • Group work with victims and guided prison visits
  • Victim empathy training with offenders
  • Restorative dialogue e.g. victim offender group meetings, victim offender mediation, restorative conferences and/or circles

3. Training of practitioners in the partner countries based on the evaluation of the pilot projects



With the financial support from the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibilty of "Schleswig-Holsteinischer Verband für soziale Strafrechtpflege; Straffälligen- und Opferhilfe e.V" and can in no way be taken to refect the views of the European Commission.