Restorative Justice

at post-sentencing level supporting and protecting victims

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Project manual and book with the results of the projects are available for free download.


Conference 27/28.08.2014 Restorative Justice at post sentencing level; supporting and protecting victims at University of Applied Sciences (FH Kiel)

Conference 27/28.11.2014 Restorative Justice "Restoring the Balance" in Oxford

Hempels August 2013:



The first project conference took place on 18/19 June 2013 in Barcelona. Presentations and videos (Spanish) are available.


Evangelische Zeitung am 17.3.2013:




`Schleswiger Häftlinge testen für die EU´ - shz Artikel



Pilot Projects have started in Schleswig-Holstein.

Pilot Project Team in Youth Prison Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)

Pilot Project Team in Juvenile Offender Institution Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Marlies Heckt, Silvia Müller, Gudrun Van Afferden, Nikole Witthans, Ricarda Lummer, Mario Nahrwold, Otmar Hagemann


The 1. Project Conference will take place on 18/19 June 2013 in Barcelona. More information will be provided soon!


New pan-European Restorative Justice project:

Restorative Justice in Europe: Safeguarding Victims & Empowering Professionals



New York Times Article: `Can Forgiveness Play a Role in Criminal Justice?´


The second EU-Project `Restorative Justice at post-sentencing level; supporting and protecting victims´ has started on 1. January 2013. For more information on the content go to RJ (2013 - 2014)!


The 6th Edition of the German Standards for Victim-Offender-Mediation are now available in ENGLISH at


The presentation by Kristel Buntinx held at the 14th TOA Forum in Münster (9.-11. Mai 2012) on `Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich bei Tötungsdelikten´is now available online (English).




The first EU-Project `Improving Knowledge and Practice of Restorative Justice´ has been finished in Autumn 2012. Please find publications and the final reports here.


With the financial support from the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibilty of "Schleswig-Holsteinischer Verband für soziale Strafrechtpflege; Straffälligen- und Opferhilfe e.V" and can in no way be taken to refect the views of the European Commission.